(301) 245-6613

Why Does My Furnace Keep Turning Off and On?

If your furnace keeps turning off and on, this is called short cycling, and could be caused by a variety of issues. It’s important to look into the possible causes of short cycling right away to prevent any further damage.

Causes of Short Cycling

The first thing you should do when you notice your furnace turning off and on is check your air filter. If it’s clogged, replace the filter immediately, and be sure to regularly check and change your air filter in the future. If a dirty air filter is not the problem, the following issues could also cause your furnace to turn off and on:

  • Problems with the circuit board
  • Thermostat connections
  • Dirty flame rod
  • Water in the tubing or pressure switch
  • Cracked heat exchanger
  • Improperly sized heating system
  • Foreign objects stuck in the chimney or vents
  • Improper venting or a plugged vent
  • Malfunctioning inducer

Because there are a wide variety of issues that could be contributing to your furnace turning off and on, it’s best to have an HVAC professional inspect your furnace and repair any damages. It’s a good idea to schedule regular furnace maintenance services to ensure your Maryland home stays comfortable and efficient throughout the year.

Schedule Furnace Maintenance in Maryland

One of the best ways to avoid experiencing a problem with your heating system cycles is to schedule a fall tune-up. Annual heating maintenance can extend the life of your equipment. It can also lead to an early diagnosis of potential problems

Contact GAC Services to schedule furnace maintenance in Montgomery Country or Frederick County, MD!

Financing Options Available

At GAC, we understand how important a functioning HVAC system is for your home. This is why we offer flexible financing options to help you take care of your new HVAC purchase, so you can get back to taking care of what matters most to you.

Priority Maintenance

A well-maintained HVAC system can save you from having to invest in costly repairs down the road. Learn more about the priority maintenance services offered by GAC Services.