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5 Ways to Fix Your Broken Down Furnace

When the chill of winter hits, there’s nothing better than returning to the cozy, warm comfort of your home after a long day. That’s why it’s so important to keep your furnace in working order; when your heat stops working, things get unpleasant—fast!

Thankfully our experts here at GAC Services know how stressful it is when your furnace won’t seem to turn on. We’ve created this checklist of 5 things you can do to troubleshoot your furnace when it breaks down, but you can always contact us online or call us at {{dc:acf:option_field field=”contact_info_callrail_text”}} for repair services, too.

How to Repair a Malfunctioning Furnace

1.Check your thermostat.

Step one, if your furnace isn’t turning on when you want it to, is to make absolutely sure there’s nothing going on with your thermostat. Make sure the thermostat is set to ‘heat’ and a temperature at least 5 degrees warmer than it currently is in your home; otherwise, the furnace isn’t going to kick on! If that doesn’t do it, make sure your thermostat is working – check the batteries, and clean out any dust or dirt that might have gotten under the faceplate.

2.Check and change your air filters.

If that doesn’t do it, time to move on! The second thing that might be stopping your furnace from coming to life is a dirty air filter. Air filters should generally be checked, if not changed, at least once a month. Doing so prevents a buildup of dust, dirt, and debris that can cause problems with your system—your furnace may only blow cold air, or if it is too clogged, it might refuse to work at all.

3.Check your furnace’s service panels.

While you’re there checking air filters, another quick potential fix is to check your furnace over and confirm that there aren’t any open panels. If someone—you, a family member, or even an expert—has opened, say, the blower motor panel and didn’t shut it properly, the furnace’s safety device will stop it from turning on. Make sure your furnace is securely closed-up!

4.Check your vents and ducts.

This step doubly applies if your furnace seems to be running fine but you’ve noticed certain rooms are warming up nicely…while others are still cold. Go from room to room and make sure that every vent is fully open and unobstructed by rugs, carpets, appliances or other furniture. If the vents are all open and clear, but you’re definitely getting cold air in some places, the culprit likely lies within your air ducts. You may need to use a sealant to close up gaps and leaks in your ducts—or contact an expert to do it for you.

5.Check your circuit breaker.

As one, last ditch effort, head over to your circuit breaker box and give it a look-over. If the breaker your furnace is on has been flipped or switched, somehow, it isn’t getting power—and isn’t going to turn on! Make sure the circuit is on, and if it isn’t, flip the breaker (and consider looking into why it flipped in the first place!). Your furnace ought to kick on now!

Schedule Furnace Repair Services in Maryland

While these problems are easy to check and easy to fix, there are many ways in which your furnace can break down that require a certified furnace technician to resolve. If you’re a homeowner in Montgomery, Frederick, or Howard county in Maryland, and can’t seem to figure out why your furnace won’t start up (or if it’s acting odd in any way), don’t hesitate to contact our service professionals and GAC Services!

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At GAC, we understand how important a functioning HVAC system is for your home. This is why we offer flexible financing options to help you take care of your new HVAC purchase, so you can get back to taking care of what matters most to you.

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